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창1: 만물의 창조 1:1 창조시작 1:3 첫째 날 빛 1:6 둘째 날 궁창 1:9 셋째 날 바다, 땅, 식물 1:14 넷째 날 해, 달, 별 1:20 다섯째 날 새와 물고기 1:24 여섯째 날 동물, 사람

First day's work-Creation of the heavens and the earth, 1, 2. Of the light and its separation from the darkness, 3-5. Second day's work-The creation of the firmament, and the separation of the waters above the firmament from those below it, 6-8. Third day's work-The waters are separated from the earth and formed into seas, &c., 9, 10. The earth rendered fruitful, and clothed with trees, herbs, grass, &c., 11-13. Fourth day's work-Creation of the celestial luminaries intended for the measurement of time, the distinction of periods, seasons, &c., 14; and to illuminate the earth, 15. Distinct account of the formation of the sun, moon, and stars, 16-19. Fifth day's work-The creation of fish, fowls, and reptiles in general, 20. Of great aquatic animals, 21. They are blessed so as to make them very prolific, 22, 23. Sixth day's work-Wild and tame cattle created, and all kinds of animals which derive their nourishment from the earth, 24, 25. The creation of man in the image and likeness of God, with the dominion given him over the earth and all inferior animals, 26. Man or Adam, a general name for human beings, including both male and female, 27. Their peculiar blessing, 28. Vegetables appointed as the food of man and all other animals, 29, 30. The judgment which God passed on his works at the conclusion of his creative acts, 31. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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