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창17: 언약과 할례 17:1 언약의 표 할례 17:15 이삭의 출생 약속 17:20 이스마엘의 축복

In the ninety-ninth year of Abram's life God again appears to him, announces his name as GOD ALMIGHTY, and commands him to walk perfectly before him, 1; proposes to renew the covenant, 2. Abram's prostration, 3. The covenant specified, 4. Abram's name changed to ABRAHAM, and the reason given, 5. The privileges of the covenant enumerated, 6-8. The conditions of the covenant to be observed, not only by Abraham, but all his posterity, 9. Circumcision appointed as a sign or token of the covenant, 10, 11. The age at which and the persons on whom this was to be performed, 12, 13. The danger of neglecting this rite, 14.Sarai's name changed to SARAH, and a particular promise made to her, 15, 16. Abraham's joy at the prospect of the performance of a matter which, in the course of nature, was impossible, 17. His request for the preservation and prosperity of Ishmael, 18. The birth and blessedness of Isaac foretold, 19. Great prosperity promised to Ishmael, 20. But the covenant to be established not in his, but in Isaac's posterity, 21.Abraham, Ishmael and all the males in the family circumcised, 23-27 (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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