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창23: 사라 죽음과 아브라함이 막벨라 굴을 삼 23:1 사라의 죽음 23:10 헷 족속과의 거래

The age and death of Sarah, 1, 2. Abraham mourns for her, and requests a burial-place from the sons of Heth, 24. They freely offer him the choice of all their sepulchers, 5, 6. Abraham refuses to receive any as a free gift, and requests to buy the cave of Machpelah from Ephron, 7-9. Ephron proffers the cave and the field in which it was situated as a free gift unto Abraham, 10, 11. Abraham insists on giving its value in money, 12, 13.Ephron at last consents, and names the sum of four hundred shekels, 14, 15. Abraham weighs him the money in the presence of the people; in consequence of which the cave, the whole field, trees, &c., are made sure to him and his family for a possession, 16-18. The transaction being completed, Sarah is buried in the cave, 19. The sons of Heth ratify the bargain, 20. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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