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창44: 요셉의 은잔 시험과 유다의 희생심 44:1 자루에서 나온 은잔 44:18 종을 자원하는 유다

Joseph commands his steward to put his cup secretly into Benjamin's sack, 1, 2. The sons of Jacob depart with the corn they had purchased, 3.Joseph commands his steward to pursue them, and charge them with having stolen his cup, 4-6. The brethren excuse themselves, protest their innocence, and offer to submit to be slaves should the cup be found with any of them, 7-9. Search is made, and the cup is found in Benjamin's sack, 10-12. They are brought back and submit themselves to Joseph, 13-16. He determines that Benjamin alone, with whom the cup is found, shall remain in captivity, 17. Judah, in a most affecting speech, pleads for Benjamin's enlargement, and offers himself to be a bondman in his stead, 18-34. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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