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창45: 요셉이 자신의 신분을 말함 45:1 자신의 정체를 말하는 요셉 45:4 형제들을 용서하는 요셉 45:16 요셉에 대한 바로의 호의 45:21 형제들의 귀향보고

Joseph, deeply affected with the speech of Judah, could no longer conceal himself, but discovers himself to his brethren, 1-4. Excuses their conduct towards him, and attributes the whole to the providence of God, 5-8. Orders them to hasten to Canaan, and bring up their father and their own families, cattle, &c., because there were five years of the famine yet to come, 9-13. He embraces and converses with all his brethren, 14, 15.Pharaoh, hearing that Joseph's brethren were come to Egypt, and that Joseph had desired them to return to Canaan and bring back their families, not only confirms the order, but promises them the best part of the land of Egypt to dwell in; and provides them carriages to transport themselves and their households, 16-20. Joseph provides them with wagons according to the commandment of Pharaoh; and having given them various presents, sends them away with suitable advice, 21-24. They depart, arrive in Canaan, and announce the glad tidings to their father, who for a time believes not, but being assured of the truth of their relation, is greatly comforted, and resolves to visit Egypt, 25-28. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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