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출1: 이스라엘의 애굽에서의 생활 1:1 애굽으로간 이스라엘 1:8 압제받는 이스라엘

The names and number of the children of Israel that went down into Egypt, 1-5. Joseph and all his brethren of that generation die, 6. The great increase of their posterity, 7. The cruel policy of the king of Egypt to destroy them, 8-11. They increase greatly, notwithstanding their affliction, 12. Account of their hard bondage, 13, 14. Pharaoh's command to the Hebrew midwives to kill all the male children, 15, 16.The midwives disobey the king's command, and, on being questioned, vindicate themselves, 17-19. God is pleased with their conduct, blesses them, and increases the people, 20, 21. Pharaoh gives a general command to the Egyptians to drown all the male children of the Hebrews, 22. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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