매일성경읽기 > 목차 > 성경개요 > 성경연구 > 지명편 > 출애굽기 > 26장 (1개소)

출26: 성막에 대한 구체적인 설명 26:1 성막의 앙장 26:14 성막 덮개와 널 받침 26:31 지성소와 성막 휘장

The ten curtains of the tabernacle, and of what composed, 1. Their length, 2, 3; their loops, 4, 5; their taches, 6. The curtains of goats' hair for a covering, 7; their length and breadth, 8. Coupled with loops, 9, 10, and taches, 11. The remnant of the curtains, how to be employed, 12, 13.The covering of rams' skins, 14. The boards of the tabernacle for the south side, 15; their length, 16, tenons, 17, number, 18, sockets, 19.Boards, &c., for the north side, 20, 21. Boards, &c., for the west side, 22; for the corners, 23; their rings and sockets, 24, 25. The bars of the tabernacle, 26-30. The veil, its pillars, hooks, and taches, 31-33. How to place the mercy-seat, 34. The table and the candlestick, 35. The hanging for the door of the tent, 36; and the hangings for the pillars, 37. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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