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출40: 성막을 세움 40:1 성막을 세워 드림 40:12 제사장의 성결 의식 40:17 완성된 건축 40:34 성막에 여호와의 영광이 함께 하심

Moses is commanded to set up the tabernacle, the first day of the first month of the second year of their departure from Egypt, 1, 2. The ark to be put into it, 3. The table and candlestick to be brought in also with the golden altar, 4.5. The altar of burnt-offering to be set up before the door, and the laver between the tent and the altar, 6, 7. The court to be set up, 8.The tabernacle and its utensils to be anointed, 9-11. Aaron and his sons to be washed, clothed, and anointed, 12-15. All these things are done accordingly, 16. The tabernacle is erected; and all its utensils, &c., placed in it on the first of the first month of the second year, 17-33. The cloud covers the tent, and the glory of the Lord fills the tabernacle, so that even Moses is not able to enter, 34, 35. When they were to journey, the cloud was taken up; when to encamp, the cloud rested on the tabernacle, 36, 37.A cloud by day and a fire by night was upon the tabernacle, in the sight of all the Israelites, through the whole course of the journeyings, 38. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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