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레7: 속건제와 화목제 추가 규례 7:1 속건제 7:11 화목제 7:22 제사장에게 금지된 옷 7:28 제사장의 옷

The law of the trespass-offering, and the priest's portion in it, 1-7. As also in the sin-offerings and meat-offerings, 8- 10. The law of the sacrifice of peace-offering, 11, whether it was a thanksgiving - offering, 12-15; or a VOW or voluntary offering, 16-18. Concerning the flesh that touched any unclean thing, 19, 20, and the person who touched any thing unclean, 21. Laws concerning eating of fat, 22-25, and concerning eating of blood, 26, 27. Farther ordinances concerning the peace-offerings and the priest's portion in them, 28-36. Conclusion of the laws and ordinances relative to burnt-offerings, meat-offerings, sin-offerings, and peace- offerings, delivered in this and the preceding chapters, 37, 38. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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