매일성경읽기 > 목차 > 성경개요 > 성경연구 > 지명편 > 사사기 > 10장 (9개소)

삿10:1 사사 돌라 10:3 사사 야일 10:6 사사 입다 10:10 이스라엘의 회개와 간구

Tola judges Israel twenty-three years, 1, 2. Jair is judge twenty-two years, 3-5. After him the Israelites rebel against God, and are delivered into the hands of the Philistines and Ammonites eighteen years, 6-9. They humble themselves, and God reproves them, 10-14. They put away their strange gods, and gather together against the Ammonites, 15-17. The chiefs of Gilead inquire concerning a captain to head them against the Ammonites, 18. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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