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삿11:1 입다의 지략 11:12 입다와 암몬 왕의 담판 11:29 하나님께 서원 하는 입다 11:34 입다 딸의 죽음

The history of Jephthah, and his covenant with the Gileadites, 1-10. He is elected by the people, 11. Sends an embassy to the king of the Ammonites, to inquire why they invaded Israel; and receives an answer, to which he sends back a spirited reply, 12-27. This is disregarded by the Ammonites, and Jephthah prepares for battle, 28, 29. His vow, 30, 31. He attacks and defeats them, 32, 33. On his return to Mizpeh he is met by his daughter, whom, according to his vow, he dedicates to the Lord, 34-40. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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