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삿14:1 삼손과 딤나 여인 14:5 사자를 죽인 삼손 14:10 결혼 잔치와 수수께끼 14:15 누설된 수수께끼의 비밀 14:19 실패한 결혼

Samson marries a wife of the Philistines, 1-4. Slays a young lion at Timnath, in the carcass of which he afterwards finds a swarm of bees, 5-9. He makes a feast; they appoint him thirty companions, to whom he puts forth a riddle, which they cannot expound, 10-14. They entice his wife to get the interpretation from him; she succeeds, informs them, and they tell the explanation, 15-18. He is incensed, and slays thirty of the Philistines, 19, 20. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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