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삿15:1 삼손의 원수 갚음 15:9 유다인들에 의해 넘겨진 삼손 15:14 나귀 턱뼈로 일천 명을 죽인 삼손 15:18 갈증에서 벗어난 삼손

Samson, going to visit his wife, finds her bestowed on another, 1, 2. He is incensed, vows revenge, and burns the corn of the Philistines, 3-5. They burn Samson's wife and her father, 6. He is still incensed, makes a great slaughter among them, 7, 8. The Philistines gather together against Israel, and to appease them the men of Judah bind Samson, and deliver him into their hands, 9-13. The Spirit of the Lord comes upon him; he breaks his bonds, finds the jaw-bone of an ass, and therewith kills a thousand men, 14-16. He is sorely fatigued; and, being thirsty, God miraculously produces water from an opening of the ground in Lehi, and he is refreshed, 17-19. He judges Israel in the time of the Philistines twenty years, 20. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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