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삿19: 타락한 레위 가문과 기브아의 비류들 19:1 레위인의 첩 19:10 첩과 함께온 레위인 19:16 기브아에 머물게 된 레위인 19:22 기브아 비류들의 범죄

A Levite and his concubine disagree; and she leaves him and goes to her father's house, 1, 2. He follows to bring her back, and is kindly entertained by her father five days, 3-8. He returns; and lodges the first night at Gibeah, in the tribe of Benjamin, 9-21. The men of Gibeah attack the house, and insist on abusing the body of the Levite; who, to save himself, delivers to them his concubine, whose life falls a victim to their brutality, 22-27. The Levite divides her dead body into twelve pieces, and sends one to each of the twelve tribes; they are struck with horror, and call a council on the subject, 28-30. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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