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삼상5: 블레셋에 빼앗긴 언약궤 5:1 하나님께서 다곤 신상을 굴복시킴 5:6 불레셋 지방을 향한 재앙

The Philistines set up the ark in the temple of Dagon at Ashdod; whose image is found next morning prostrate before it, broken in pieces, 1-5. The Philistines are also smitten with a sore disease, 6. The people of Ashdod refuse to let the ark stay with them; and the lords of the Philistines, with whom they consulted, order it to be carried to Gath, 7, 8. They do so; and God smites the inhabitants of that city, young and old, with the same disease, 9. They send the ark to Ekron, and a heavy destruction fags upon that city, and they resolve to send it back to Shiloh, 10-12. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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