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삼상9: 사울이 사무엘을 만남 9:1 사울의 등장 9:5 사무엘을 찾는 사울 9:11 사무엘을 만나는 사울 9:22 사무엘과 사울의 요담

Saul's lineage and description; he is sent by his father to seek some lost asses, 1-5. Not finding them, he purposes to go and consult Samuel concerning the proper method of proceeding, 6-14. The Lord informs Samuel that he should anoint Saul king, 15, 16. Sam. invites Saul to dine with him, and informs him that the asses are found; and gives him an intimation that he is to be king, 17-21. Saul dines with Samuel, and afterwards he is taken to the house-top, where both commune together, 22-27. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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