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삼상18: 다윗에 대한 사울의 질투 18:1 요나단과 다윗의 언약 18:6 다윗의 명성을 시기하는 사울 18:17 사울의 딸과 결혼하는 다윗

Jonathan and David commence a lasting friendship; and David acts prudently with respect to Saul, 1-5 Saul becomes jealous of David, on account of the esteem in which he is held in Israel; and, in his fury endeavours to destroy him, 6-12. David is made captain over a thousand; and the people love and respect him, 13-16. Saul, in order to ensnare him, offers him his daughter in marriage, 17-24; and requires a hundred foreskins of the Philistines for dowry; hoping that, in endeavouring to procure them, David might fall by the hands of the Philistines, 25. David agrees to the conditions, fulfils them, and has Michal to wife, 26-30. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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