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삼상28: 이스라엘과 블레셋의 전쟁 28:1 블레셋의 이스라엘 침략 계획 28:3 낙담한 사울 28:8 신접한 여인을 찾아간 사울 28:15 패전을 예언하는 사무엘 28:20 죽음의 예고를 듣고 실신한 사울

The Philistines prepare to attack the Israelites, and Achish informs David that he shall accompany him to battle, 1, 2. Saul, unable to obtain any answer from God, applies to a witch at En-dor to bring up Samuel that he may converse with him on the issue of the war, 3-11. Samuel appears, 12-14. He reproaches Saul with his misconduct, and informs him of his approaching ruin, 15-19. He is greatly distressed; but at the solicitations of the woman and his own servants, he takes some food, and departs the same night, 20-25. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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