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왕상6: 성전 건축이 완성됨 왕상6:1 성전 외곽의 건축 왕상6:11 솔로몬에게 임한 하나님의 말씀 왕상6:14 성전 내부 장식 왕상6:23 지성소의 두 그룹 왕상6:29 문설주와 문짝 왕상6:37 성전의 건축 기간

In the four hundred and eightieth year from the exodus, in the fourth year of Solomon's reign, and in the second month, he laid the foundations of the temple; the length sixty cubits, the breadth twenty, and the height thirty cubits; besides the porch, which was twenty cubits in length, and ten cubits in height, 1-3. A description of its different external parts, 4-10. God's promise to Solomon, 11-13. Description of its internal parts and contents, 14-36. Temple finished in the eighth month of the eleventh year of Solomon's reign, being seven years in building, 37, 38. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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