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왕상9: 솔로몬에게 다시 나타나신 하나님 왕상9:1 하나님의 언약 왕상9:10 솔로몬과 하람의 교역 왕상9:15 솔로몬의 건축 사업 왕상9:25 솔로몬의 제사

The Lord appears a second time to Solomon, and assures him that he had heard his prayer; and that he would establish his worship for ever in that temple, and him and his successors on the throne of Israel, provided he and they would keep his statutes and judgments, 1-5; but if they should transgress and forsake the Lord, then they should be cast off, the temple itself abandoned, and their enemies permitted to prevail over them, 6-9. Solomon having finished the temple and the king's house, about which he was employed twenty years, and having received assistance from Hiram king of Tyre, he gave him in return twenty cities in Galilee, with which he was not pleased, 10-14. Solomon's levies, buildings, and the persons employed, 15-23. Pharaoh's daughter comes to the city of David, 24. He sacrifices thrice a year at the temple, 25. Solomon's navy, and the gold they brought from Ophir, 26-28. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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