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왕상15: 분열 왕국 왕상15:1 아비얌의 유다 통치 왕상15:9 아사의 유다 통치 왕상15:25 나답의 이스라엘 통치 왕상15:33 바아사의 이스라엘 통치

Abijam's wicked reign, and death, 1-8. Asa succeeds him in the kingdom of Judah, and rules well, 9-15. He makes a league with the king of Syria against Baasha king of Israel, who is obliged to desist in his attempts against Judah, 16-22. He is diseased in his feet and dies, and is succeeded by his son Jehoshaphat, 23-25. Nadab, son of Jeroboam, reigns over Israel; but is slain by Baasha, who reigns in ha stead, 26- 28. Baasha destroys all the house of Jeroboam, according to the prediction of Ahijah, 29, 30. Baasha continues the idolatry of Jeroboam, 31-34. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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