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왕상21:1 나봇의 포도원을 탐내는 아합 왕상21:5 이세벨의 모략으로 나봇이 죽음 왕상21:17 엘리야의 예언 왕상21:27 일시적인 아합의 회개

Ahab covets the vineyard of Naboth, and wishes to have it either by purchase or exchange, 1, 2. Naboth refuses to alienate it on any account, because it was his inheritance from his fathers, 3. Ahab becomes disconsolate, takes to his bed, and refuses to eat, 4. Jezebel, finding out the cause, promises to give him the vineyard, 5-7. She writes to the nobles of Jezreel to proclaim a fast, to accuse Naboth of blasphemy, carry him out, and stone him to death; which is accordingly done, 8-14. She then tells Ahab to go and take possession of the vineyard; he goes, and is met by Elijah, who denounces on him the heaviest judgments, 15-24. Ahab's abominable character, 25, 26. He humbles himself; and God promises not to bring the threatened public calamities in his days, but in the days of his son, 27-29. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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