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왕상22:1 이스라엘과 유다의 동맹 왕상22:5 거짓 선지자들의 예언 왕상22:13 미가야의 예언 왕상22:29 아합의 죽음 왕상22:41 유다를 통치하는 여호사밧 왕상22:51 이스라엘을 통치하는 아하시야

Jehoshaphat King of Judah, and Ahab King of Israel, unite against the Syrians, in order to recover Ramoth-gilead, 1-4. They inquire of false prophets, who promise them success. Micaiah, a true prophet, foretells the disasters of the war, 5-17. A lying spirit in the mouths of Ahab's prophets persuades Ahab to go up against Ramoth, 18-29. The confederate armies are routed, and the king of Israel slain, 30-36. Death and burial of Ahab, 37-40. Character of Jehoshaphat, 41-47. He makes a fleet in order to go to Ophir for gold, which is wrecked at Ezion-geber, 48. His death, 49. He is succeeded by his son Jehoram, 50. Ahaziah succeeds his father Ahab, and reigns wickedly, 51, 52. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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