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스10:1 회개하는 이스라엘 10:8 이스라엘 총회 소집 10:18 이방여인을 취했다 버린 자들

The people are greatly afflicted by Ezra's prayer, 1. Shechaniah proposes that all who have taken strange wives should put them away, and the children they had by them; and make a covenant to serve God, 2-4. Ezra is encouraged; and make a proclamation to collect the people, to find who had transgressed, 5-8. They come together on the twentieth day of the ninth month, 9. Ezra exhorts them to put away their strange wives, 10. The people agree to it, and require time, 11-14. This being granted, the business is completed by the first of the first month, 15-17. Some of the priests had taken strange wives; their names, and the names of all who were in the same trespass, 18-44. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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