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사6:1 이사야가 본 거룩이 이상 사6:6 이사야의 소명과 사역의 성격

This chapter, by a particular designation of Isaiah to the prophetic office, 1-8, introduces, with great solemnity, a declaration of the whole tenor of the Diving conduct in reference to his people, who, on account of their unbelief and impenitence, should for a very long period be given up to a judicial blindness and hardness of heart, 9,10; and visited with such calamities as would issue on the total desolation of their country, and their general dispersion, 11,12. The prophet adds, however, that under their repeated dispersions, (by the Chaldeans, Romans, would be preserved as a seed from which will be raised a people, in whom will be fulfilled all the Divine promises, 13. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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