매일성경읽기 > 목차 > 성경개요 > 성경연구 > 지명편 > 이사야 > 33장 (6개소)

사33:1 구원을 호소함 사33:7 앗수르가 당할 환난 사33:17 유다의 영광스런 미래

This chapter contains the sequel of the prophecy respecting Sennacherib. The prophet addresses himself to the Assyrian monarch, 1-4. The mercy and power of God acknowledged by the Jews, 5,6. Distress and despair of the Jews at the approach of Sennacherib, 7-9. Gracious promise of deliverance, 10-13. Dreadful apprehensions of the wicked, and security of the righteous, 14-17. The security of the Jews under the reign of Hezekiah, and the wretched condition of Sennacherib and his army, 18-24. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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