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사57:1 악인의 축복된 죽음 사57:3 우상 숭배자들에 대한 책망 사57:14 회개하는 자를 위한 약속 사57:20 악인에게 임하게 될 불안

After mentioning the removal of righteous persons as an awful symptom of the approach of Divine judgments, 1,2, the prophet goes on to charge the nation in general with idolatry, and with courting the unprofitable alliance of idolatrous kings, 3-12. In opposition to such vain confidence, the prophet enjoins trust in God, with whom the penitent and humble are sure to find acceptance, and from whom they should obtain temporal and spiritual deliverances, 13-19. Awful condition of the wicked and finally impenitent, 20,21. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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