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겔8:1 에스겔에게 임한 여호와의 권능 겔8:5 성전에서의 우상 숭배 겔8:14 담무스를 숭배하는 여인들 겔8:16 심판의 선언

Here begins a section of prophecy extending to the twelfth chapter. In this chapter the prophet is carried in vision to Jerusalem, 1-4; and there shown the idolatries committed by the rulers of the Jews, even within the temple. In the beginning of this vision, by the noblest stretch of an inspired imagination, idolatry itself is personified, and made an idol; and the image sublimely called, from the provocation it gave God, the IMAGE OF JEALOUSY, 5. The prophet then proceeds to describe the three principal superstitions of this unhappy people: the Egyptian, 6-12, the Phoenician, 13,14, and the Persian, 15,16; giving the striking features of each, and concluding with a declaration of the heinousness of their sins in the sight of God, and the consequent greatness of their punishment, 17,18. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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