매일성경읽기 > 목차 > 성경개요 > 성경연구 > 지명편 > 에스겔 > 23장 (8개소)

겔23:1 사마리아의 죄와 멸망 겔23:11 유다의 행음 겔23:22 유다의 타락과 형벌 겔23:36 동일한 죄를 범한 유다.사마리아 겔23:43 심판에 대한 선언

The idolatries of Samaria and Jerusalem are represented in this chapter by the bad practices of two common harlots, for which God denounces severe judgments against them, 1-49. See the sixteenth chapter, where the same metaphor is enlarged upon as here, it being the prophets view to exude the utmost detestation of the crime against which he inveighs. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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