매일성경읽기 > 목차 > 성경개요 > 성경연구 > 지명편 > 에스겔 > 30장 (18개소)

겔30:1 애굽의 큰 멸망 겔30:10 심판의 집행자 겔30:13 애굽 전역에 미칠 파괴와 학살 겔30:20 바로의 세력을 꺾을 바벨론 왕

This chapter describes, with great force and elegance, the ruin of Egypt and all her allies by the Chaldeans under Nebuchadnezzar, 1-11; with an amplification of the distress of the principal cities of Egypt on that occasion, 12-19. The remaining verses are a short prophecy relating to the same event, and therefore annexed to the longer one preceding, although this was predicted sooner, 20-26. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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