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말1: 하나님의 사랑을 배신한 이스라엘의 죄악 말1:1 자기 백성을 사랑하시는 하나님 말1:6 제사장을 책망 말1:12 제사에 대한 책망

This chapter begins with showing the great and free favour which God had manifested to the Israelites, above what he had done to the Edomites, who are threatened with farther marks of the Divine displeasure; alluding, perhaps, to the calamities which they suffered from Judas Maccabeus and John Hyrcanus, (see 1Macc 5:65, and Joseph. Antiq. xiii. 9,) 1-5. God then reproaches his people, and especially their priests, for their ungrateful returns to his distinguished goodness, 6. They are particularly charged with sacrificing the refuse of beasts, 7-9, for which God threatens to reject them, 10, and choose other nations who will show more reverence to his name and worship, 11-14. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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