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마8 예수그리스도의 병고침 8:1 문둥병자를 고침 8:5 백부장 종의 고침 8:14 베드로 장모 고침 8:18 예수를 따름 8:23 바다를 잔잔케 하심 8:28 귀신을 쫓아냄

Great multitudes follow Christ, 1. He heals a leper, 2-4. Heals the centurion's servant, 5-13. Heals Peter's wife's mother, 14, 15; and several other diseased persons, 16, 17. Departs from that place, 18. Two persons offer to be his disciples, 19-22. He and his disciples are overtaken with a tempest, which he miraculously stills, 23-27. He cures demoniacs, and the demons which went out enter into a herd of swine, which, rushing into the sea, perish, 28-32. The swine- herds announce the miracle to the Gergesenes, who request Christ to depart from their country, 33, 34.

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