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마15: 바리세인과 서기관들의 유전 15:1 유대 전통에 대한 논쟁 15:21 가나안 여자의 딸을 고치심 15:29 많은 병자들을 고치심 15:32 칠병이어의 이적

The Pharisees accuse the disciples of eating with unwashed hands, 1, 2. Our Lord answers, and convicts them of gross hypocrisy, 3-9. Teaches the people and the disciples what it is that renders men unclean, 10-20. Heals the daughter of a Canaanitish woman, 21-28. Heals many diseased people on a mountain of Galilee, 29-31. With seven loaves, and a few little fishes, he feeds 4,000 men, besides women and children, 32-38. Having dismissed the multitudes, he comes to the coast of Magdala, 39

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