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마16: 제자의 신앙고백 16:1 표적을 구하는 그리스도인 16:5 누룩을 주의하라 16:13 베드로의 신앙고백 16:21 수난, 죽음,부활에 대한 예언

The Pharisees insidiously require our Lord to give them a sign, 1. They are severely rebuked for their hypocrisy and wickedness, 2-5. The disciples are cautioned to beware of them and their destructive doctrine, 6-12. The different opinions formed by the people of Christ, 13, 14. Peter's confession, and our Lord's discourse on it, 15-20. He foretells his sufferings, and reproves Peter, 21-23. Teaches the necessity of self-denial, and shows the reasons on which it is founded, 24-26. Speaks of a future judgment, 27. And promises the speedy opening of the glory of his own kingdom on earth, 28.

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