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마19: 결혼과 이혼 19:1 결혼과 이혼에 대한 교훈 19:13 어린이에게 축복 19:16 부자청년 19:23 소유에 관한 교훈

Jesus leaves Galilee, and comes into the coasts of Judea, and is followed by great multitudes, whom he heals, 1, 2. The question of the Pharisees concerning divorce answered, and the doctrine of marriage explained, 3-9. The inquiry of the disciples on this subject, 10. Our Lord's answer, explaining the case of eunuchs, 11, 12. Little children brought to Christ for his blessing, 13-15. The case of the young man who wished to obtain eternal life, 16-22. Our Lords reflections on this case, in which he shows the difficulty of a rich man's salvation, 23-26. What they shall possess who have left all for Christ's sake and the Gospel. 27-29 How many of the first shall be last, and the last first, 30.

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