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눅1: 위대한 탄생 예고 1:1 저술의 방법과 목적 1:5 천사에 세례 요한 탄생 예고 1:26 예수의 탄생 예언 1:39 마리아의 엘리사벳 방문 1:57 세례 요한의 출생 1:67 사가랴가 요한의 사역을 예언함

The preface, or St. Luke's private epistle to Theophilus, 1- 4. The conception and birth of John Baptist foretold by the angel Gabriel, 5-17. Zacharias doubts, 18. And the angel declares he shall be dumb, till the accomplishment of the prediction, 19-25. Six months after the angel Gabriel appears to the virgin Mary, and predicts the miraculous conception and birth of Christ, 26-38. Mary visits her cousin Elisabeth, 39-45. Mary's song of exultation and praise, 46-56. John the Baptist is born, 57-66. The prophetic song of his father Zacharias, 67-79. John is educated in the desert, 80. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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