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눅2: 메시야가 나시다 2:1 예수의 탄생 2:8 목자들에게 예수의 탄생을 알림 2:21 예수께서 성전에 올라가심 2:25 시므온의 송가 2:36 안나의 감사 2:39 예수의 어린 시절

The decree of Augustus to enroll all the Roman empire, 1, 2. Joseph and Mary go to their own city to be enrolled, 3-5. Christ is born, 6, 7. His birth is announced to the shepherds, 8-14. They go to Bethlehem, and find Joseph, Mary, and Christ, 15-20. Christ is circumcised, 21. His parents go to present him in the temple, 22-24. Simeon receives him: his song, 25-35. Anna the prophetess, 36-38. The holy family return to Nazareth, 39, 40. They go to Jerusalem at the feast of the passover, and leave Jesus behind in Jerusalem, 41-44. They return seeking him, and find him in the midst of the doctors, 45-47. His mother chides him, 48. His defense of his conduct, 49, 50. They all return to Nazareth, 51, 52. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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