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눅3: 예비되는 주의 길 3:1 세례요한의 회개 선포 3:15 예수에 대한 요한의 증언 3:21 예수께서 세례를 받으심 3:23 예수의 족보

The time in which John the Baptist began to preach, 1-3. The prophecies which were fulfilled in him, 4-6. The matter and success of his preaching, 7-9; among the people, 10, 11; among the publicans, 12, 13; among the soldiers, 14. His testimony concerning Christ, 15-18. The reason why Herod put him afterwards in prison, 19, 20. He baptizes Christ, on whom the Spirit of God descends, 21, 22. Our Lord's genealogy, 23- 38. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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