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눅4: 예수님 사역 시작 4:1 예수께서 시험받음 4:14 사역의 시작 4:16 고향에서 배척 당함 4:31 귀신을 쫓아냄 4:38 베드로 장모의 열병 고침 4:42 여러 회당에 복음전파

Christ's temptation, 1-13. Teaches in the synagogues of Galilee, 14, 15.He preaches tn a synagogue at Nazareth, 16- 28. They attempt to kill him, 29, 30. He preaches in Capernaum, 31, 32, and casts out a demon, 33-37. Heals Peter's mother-in-law, and various others, 38-41. He goes to the desert, and preaches afterwards in the synagogues of Galilee, 42-44. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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