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눅6: 안식일의 주인 6:1 안식일의 주인이신 예수 6:6 손 마른 자를 고침 6:20 복 있는 자와 저주받은 자 6:27 원수를 사랑하라 6:39 비판받지 말라 6:46 반석 위에 지은 집

The disciples pluck and eat the ears of corn on the Sabbath day, and the Pharisees find fault, 1, 2. Our Lord shows the true use of the Sabbath, 3-5. He heals the man with the withered hand, 6-11. He goes into a mountain to pray, and calls twelve disciples, 12-16. Multitudes are instructed and healed, 17-19. Pronounces four blessings, 20-23, and four woes, 24-26. Gives various instructions about loving our enemies, being patient, gentle, kind, grateful, and merciful, 27-36. Harsh judgments censured, and charity recommended, 37, 38. The parable of the blind leading the blind, 39. Of the mote in a brother's eye, 40-42. Of the good and corrupt tree, 43, 44. The good and evil treasure of the heart, 45. The parable of the two houses, one builded on the rock, and the other on the sand, 46-49. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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