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눅9: 그리스도의 사역 9:1 열두 제자 파송 9:10 오병 이어의 축복 9:18 고난을 예언하심 9:21 수난에 대한 첫 번째 예고 9:28 변화산에서의 예수 9:37 귀신들린 아이를 고침 9:44 수난에 대한 두 번째 예고 9:46 천국에서 큰 자 9:51 배척을 받으심 9:57 제자 되는 세 가지 시험

Christ sends his apostles to preach and work miracles, 1-6. Herod, hearing of the fame of Jesus, is perplexed; some suppose that John Baptist is risen from the dead; others, that Elijah or one of the old prophets was come to life, 7-9. The apostles return and relate the success of their mission. He goes to a retired place, and the people follow him, 10,11. He feeds five thousand men with five loaves and two fishes, 12-17. He asks his disciples what the public think of him, 18-21. Foretells his passion, 22. Shows the necessity of self-denial, and the importance of salvation, 23-25. Threatens those who deny him before men, 26. The transfiguration, 27-36. Cures a demoniac, 37-43. Again foretells his passion, 44,45. The disciples contend who shall be greatest, 46-48. Of the person who cast out devils in Christ's name, but did not associate with the disciples, 49,50. Of the Samaritans who would not receive him, 51-56. Of the man who wished to follow Jesus, 57,58. He calls another disciple who asks permission first to bury his father, 59. Our Lord's answer 60-62. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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