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눅11: 주님이 가르쳐주신 기도문 11:1 주기도문 11:5 기도에 대한 교훈 11:14 종교 지도자들에게 배척 당함 11:27 참된 행복 11:29 요나의 표적 11:33 등불의 비유 11:37 바리새인들의 외식을 꾸짖음 11:45 외식하는 율법사에게 임하게 될 화 11:53 고조되는 지도자들에 대한 적대감

Christ teaches his disciples to pray, 1-4. Shows the necessity of importunity in prayer, 5-13. Casts out a dumb demon, 14. The Jews ascribe this to the power of Beelzebub; our Lord vindicates his conduct, 15-23. Miserable state of the Jews, 24-26. Who they are that are truly blessed, 27,28. He preaches to the people, 29-36. A Pharisee invites him to dine with him, who takes offence because he washed not his hands, 37,38. Our Lord exposes their hypocrisy, 39-44. He denounces woes against the lawyers, 45-52. The scribes and Pharisees are greatly offended, and strive to entangle him in his words, 53,54. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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