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눅12: 하나님의 나라를 전하시다 12:1 바리새인들의 외식을 주의하라 12:10 용서받지 못할 죄 12:13 어리석은 부자의 비유 12:22 염려하지 말라 12:35 깨어 주의 재림을 기다리라 12:41 신실한 청지기 비유 12:49 분쟁에 대한 교훈 12:54 시대의 징조를 분별

Christ preaches to his disciples against hypocrisy; and against timidity in publishing the Gospel, 1-5. Excites them to have confidence in Divine providence, 6,7. Warns them against denying him, or betraying his cause, 8,9. Of the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, 10. Promises direction and support in persecution, 11,12. Warns the people against covetousness, 13-15. Parable of the rich man who pulled down his granaries to build greater, 16-21. Cautions against carking cares and anxieties, 22-32. The necessity of living to God, and in reference to eternity, 33-40. At the request of Peter, he farther explains the preceding discourse, 41-48. The effects that should be produced by the preaching of the Gospel, 49-53. The signs of the times, 54-57. The necessity of being prepared to appear before the judgment seat of God, 58,59. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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