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눅13: 회개치 않으면 망하리라 13:1 회개에 대한 교훈 13:6 무화과 나무의 비유 13:10 십 팔년 된 병자 된 여자를 고침 13:18 겨자씨와 누룩의 비유 13:22 천국에 들어가는 길 13:34 예루살렘의 멸망을 예언하심

Christ preaches the necessity of repentance, from the punishment of the Galileans massacred by Pilate, 1-3. And by the death of those on whom the tower in Siloam fell, 4,5. The parable of the barren fig tree, 6-29. Christ cures a woman who had been afflicted eighteen years, 10-13. The ruler of the synagogue is incensed and is reproved by our Lord, 14-17. The parable of the mustard seed, 18,19; of the leaven, 20-21. He journeys towards Jerusalem, and preaches, 22. The question, Are there few saved? and our Lords answer, with the discourse thereon, 23-30. He is informed that Herod purposes to kill him, 31,32. Predicts his own death at Jerusalem, and denounces judgments on that impenitent city, 33-35. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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