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눅14: 제자의 길 14:1 안식일에 고창 병을 고침 14:7 자기를 높이는 자들에 대해 14:12 청함을 받은 자들에 대하여 14:15 큰 잔치에 대한 비유 14:25 제자될 자의 각오

Christ heals a man ill of the dropsy, on a Sabbath day, 1-6. He inculcates humility by a parable, 7-11. The poor to be fed, and not the rich, 12-14. The parable of the great supper, 15-24. How men must become disciples of Christ, 25-27. The parable of the prudent builder, who estimates the cost before he commences his work, 28-30. And of the provident king, 31,32. The use of these parables, 33. The utility of salt while in its strength and perfection; and its total uselessness when it has lost its savour; 34,35. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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