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눅18: 영생에 대한 교훈 18:1 불의의 재판관 비유 18:9 세리와 바리새인의 기도 18:15 어린이를 축복하심 18:18 부자와 천국 18:31 수난에 대한 예고 18:35 눈먼 거지를 고치심

The parable of the importunate widow, 1-8. Of the Pharisee and the publican, 9-14. Infants brought to Christ, 15-17. The ruler who wished to know how he might inherit eternal life, 18-23. Our Lord's reflections on his case, 24-27. What they shall receive who follow Christ, 28-30. He foretells his approaching passion and death, 31-34. He restores a blind man to sight at Jericho, 35-43. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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