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눅19: 예루살렘 입성 19:1 예수를 만나 삭개오 19:11 열므나의 비유 19:28 예루살렘의 입성 19:41 예루살렘의 멸망을 예언 19:45 예수님 성전에서 화내심

The conversion of Zaccheus, 1-10. The parable of the nobleman, his ten servants, and the ten pounds, 11-27. Christ sends his disciples for a colt on which he rides into Jerusalem, 28-40. He weeps over the city, and foretells its destruction, 41-44. Goes into the temple, and casts out the buyers and sellers, 45,46. The chief priests and the scribes seek to destroy him, but are afraid of the people, who hear him attentively. 47,48. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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