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눅20: 예수님의 권세에 관한 질문 20:1 예수의 권세에 대한 도전 20:9 포도원 농부의 비유 20:19 세금에 대한 비유 20:27 부활 문제에 대하여 20:41 그리스도는 다윗의 자손인가

The question concerning the authority of Christ, and the baptism of John, 1-8. The parable of the vine-yard let out to wicked husbandmen, 9-18. The chief priests and scribes are offended, and lay snares for him, 19,20. The question about tribute, 21-26. The question about the resurrection of the dead, and our Lord's answer, 27-40. How Christ is the son of David, 41-44. He warns his disciples against the hypocrisy of the scribes, whose condemnation he points out, 45-47. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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