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갈5: 성령의 열매를 맺는 자유자 갈5:1 그리스도인의 자유 갈5:13 방종과 사랑에 관하여 갈5:16 성령의 열매와 육정의 열매

The apostle exhorts the Galatians to stand fast in the liberty of the Gospel, and not by receiving circumcision bring themselves into a yoke of bondage, 1-4. Shows the superior excellence of Christianity, 5,6. Mentions their former steadiness, and warns them against the bad doctrine which was then preached among them, 7-9. Expresses his confidence that they will yet return; and shows that he who perverted them shall bear his own punishment, 10-12. States that they are called to liberty, and that love is the fulfilling of the law, 13,14. Warns them against dissensions, and enumerates the fruits of the flesh, which exclude those who bear them from the kingdom of God, 15-21. Enumerates also the fruits of the Spirit, which characterize the disciples of Christ, 22-24. Exhorts them to live in the Spirit, and not provoke each other, 25,26. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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