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갈6: 그리스도의 법을 성취하는 삶 갈6:1 짐을 서로 지라 갈6:6 선을 행할 때 낙심하지 말라 갈6:11 마지막 권고와 인사

The apostle teaches them to be tender and affectionate towards any who, through surprise and the violence of temptation, had fallen into sin; and to bear each other's burdens, 1,2. To think humbly of themselves, and to conclude concerning their own character rather from the evidence of their works than from any thing else, 3-5. To minister to the support of those who instruct them in righteousness, 6. He warns them against self-deception, because whatever a man soweth that he shall reap, 7,8. Exhorts them not to be weary in well doing, and to embrace every opportunity to do good, 9,10. Intimates that his love to them led him to write this whole epistle with his own hand, 11. Points out the object that those had in view who wished them to be circumcised, 12,13. He exults in the cross of Christ, and asserts that a new creation of the soul is essential to its salvation; and wishes peace to them who act on this plan, 14-16. States that he bears in his body the marks of the Lord Jesus, 17. And concludes with his apostolical benediction, 18. (The Adam Clarke Commentary)

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